Contents tagged with Carbon market insight

9 July 2024

Some sectors across agriculture are already seeing increasing requirements for farming businesses from supply chain actors, including carbon footprinting and incentives to cut emissions. Perhaps an insight into the future for others?

28 March 2024

Last week, the British Standards Institution (BSI) launched their new BSI Flex 701 Nature markets overarching principles and framework standard. This standard outlines an overarching set of principles and a common definition of nature investments, and importantly outlines steps in provision against ‘greenwashing’.

7 March 2024

This article lays out options to farmers wanting to gain additional income for their natural capital.

13 December 2023

BNG is an initiative to boost the biodiversity of new development sites in England by 10% from its previous baseline prior to the development, which will come into effect from January 2024.

5 January 2024

Carbon markets and other private environmental markets and are expected to expand rapidly over the coming decades as businesses are required to meet environmental targets.

15 September 2023

One of the questions I am frequently asked when I talk to farmers about carbon markets is whether they should enter a carbon credit scheme. It is a question that I find challenging to answer for several reasons.

17 August 2023

Insetting and offsetting are common phrases associated with carbon markets, but what do they mean, and why is it important you know the difference?

28 August 2024

The main watch points we have compiled for different carbon offers.

14 April 2023

Recently, Defra released updates on how they plan to support farmers and land managers in confidently accessing private sector payments alongside public payments (e.g., the Environmental Land Management scheme), for providing environmental benefits in England.

3 May 2024

An overview of regulated carbon markets, the Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code.

5 January 2024

A look into why there is a difference in the price of carbon credits from voluntary carbon markets compared to compulsory markets.

30 June 2023

The green finance strategy will boost green finance to help meet environmental objectives, but what does this mean for farmers?
